Sunday, November 22, 2015


This past week has bee pretty great! Probably one of the best I’ve had in Satun so far! I visited a few new food places and had some good dinners, my water got shut off so I had to go find a shower elsewhere, I met some new people, had a few beers, and just took things slow!

Most of my classes went swimmingly and even my really devilish P3’s were exceptional and very well behaved. I think their Thai teacher put the fear of god in them because they were so good it was eerie. Everyone participated, we got through the vocab, they all understood it, and then we played two games and it was great! It is amazing that when they listen and pay attention we get stuff done AND still have time for plenty of fun! (I made sure to say that too them, so we will see how this week goes!)

Besides school, I had a pretty eventful week! On Monday, 5 other teachers and myself went to a Teaching Seminar in Songkhla. It was so nice to get out of the city for a day! The seminar I attended was a glorified TESOL course. We went over lesson planning, warmers (activators) and how to do production activities. It was interesting to get another perspective on teaching and I got to hang out with some pretty cool people!

(My fellow teachers and I hanging out on the beach in Songkhla)

After the seminar, we all went to the Songkhla mermaid and posed with her. Then we went and found some cool street art and then got some delicious ice cream and sticky rice! We also had fried egg chip things and balls of fried fish (which I did not eat). Overall, It was a wonderful day and I had so much fun!

This weekend I went o the street market on Saturday night and had a delicious noodle chicken combo for dinner and then a fruit ice smoothie thing for desert. The market is always fun to walk around because it is so big and there are so many vendors selling some pretty cool things! I bought some cacti! Afterwards, I met up with some friends at a local hang out and showed everyone how poor my pool game is.

(Cool Teecha Brina taught the kids something funny!)

Sunday evening, I went and played badminton and once again showed everyone how terrible my hand-eye coordination is! Really, I suck at sports, but I’ll try and give 110%! But it was a ton of fun and I really enjoyed playing! So that was a great way to end the weekend and start my week off! And I learned today that two of my classes are cancelled, so more time to prepare and lesson plan! Whoo!

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