Monday, September 14, 2015

Keep Reaching

You can't just start a book in the middle. So I'm going back to the beginning.. well the beginning of the end that is. 

Senior year at the University of Wyoming

The fall semester was my last on campus and boy was it fun! I participated in my sorority activities, went to sports events, did everything I could because it was my last semester on campus. I finished out all of my degree requirements and was ready for whatever came next! That just so happened to be politics. I had never really been very involved in this field, but decided it was worth a shot, so I applied to be an intern with the Wyoming Senators. 

Washington D.C.

I had the amazing opportunity to be an intern in the Office of US Senator John Barrasso for the spring semester. Being in our nation's capital opened my eyes to all of the possibilities for an aspiring young person such as myself. There were so many opportunities to growth and develop my skills and interests. I felt comfortable in The District, loved being surrounded by intellectuals of various backgrounds, and would go back in a heartbeat! Ultimately, I decided to try something a bit different yet again.

Disciples Peace Fellowship

I wanted to reconnect with my church denomination and learn more about the different functions of the church, so I applied to be a Peace Intern for the summer. I learned about peace and social justice issues around the world and was able to create a curriculum for church camps based on my interests. I chose to focus on Human Rights issues and I discussed the effects of such issues and how the church is involved in aiding such problems. Being able to travel to 7 different church camps around the country was fantastic! I met so many involved and inspirational adults and students alike and feel like I have a bit more purpose to all my wanderings. 

So this is the end of many chapters. My year has been very hectic and it's been hard not being somewhere for more than 6 months at a time and not seeing my family often or being around the people and places that I am familiar with, but I wouldn't change a thing! And in just 10 short days, the next chapter in my life with be starting. 

I am going to Thailand to teach English as a foreign language in a school. The program I am going through has thus far been amazingly helpful and I am so excited to be working more closely with them once I arrive in Bangkok. I am nervous, stressed, elated, and ready to start something new! Like politics and the church, I never thought I would end up teaching, but I'm at a point in my life where new things are crucial and vital to my growth. 

I'll be sure to update everyone here on my blog about my wanderings and adventures! 
(Oh it's so fun being ((or rather, attempting to be)) a blogger!) 

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